Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Giver

Book #106 (Unique books)
Book #6 in 2010
The Giver
by Lois Lowry
"Given his lifetime assignment at the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas becomes the receiver of memories shared by only one other in his community and discovers the terrible truth about the society in which he lives."

February 8th to February 23rd - 18 days - 180 pages

117 books read total (re-reads, audiobooks, etc. (since 2007))

A Lifetime of Secrets

A Lifetime of Secrets
complied by Frank Warren

February 17th to February 21st - 5 days

I Can't Keep My Own Secrets

Book #105 (Unique books)
Book #5 in 2010

I Can't Keep My Own Secrets: Six Word Memoirs By Teen Famous & Obscure
edited by Rachel Fershleiser and Larry Smith
"This is a book with nearly 800 authors (all aged thirteen to nineteen) and 800 characters (all real, as far as we know) and 800 stories (which can be read in any order). What every story has in common is that each was written about the author's own life, and that each is the exact same length: six words."

February 13th - 1 day - 184 pages

116 books read total (re-reads, audiobooks, etc. (since 2007))

The Vampire is Just Not That Into You

Book #104 (Unique books)
Book #4 in 2010

The Vampire is Just Not That Into You
by Vlad Mezrich
"Are you in love with a vampire? Are you worried that you might not be his (blood) type? Do you wonder whether that cold stare means he isn’t interested . . . or if it’s because he’s been dead for three centuries (nothing personal)? Have you tried to coax him out of his crypt with a flash of your neck or a near-death situation that requires him to save you at the very last possible moment? Have you ever considered what it will be like to introduce him to your mother? Even though your vampire’s skin is transfixingly translucent, he can still be very hard to read. Sometimes he’s simply holding back his true feelings, resisting the urge to bite you in the chance that one day you will truly love him. And other times . . . well, he’s just not that into you. "

February 6th to February 8th - 3 days - 176 pages

115 books read total (re-reads, audiobooks, etc. (since 2007))

Love, Stargirl (Re-read)

Book #3 in 2010
Love, Stargirl
by Jerry Spinelli
"Still moping months after being dumped by her Arizona boyfriend Leo, fifteen-year-old Stargirl, a home-schooled free spirit, writes 'the world's longest letter' to Leo, describing her new life in Pennsylvania."

January 25th to February 5th - 12 days - 274 pages

114 books read total (re-reads, audiobooks, etc. (since 2007))

♥ ♥ ♥