Book #147 (Unique books)
Book #1 in 2012
What I Wish For You: Simple Wisdom For a Happy Life
by Patti Digh
"In the tradition of Dr. Seuss’s Oh, The Places You’ll Go! and Anna Quindlen’s A Short Guide to a Happy Life comes this gathering of wisdom ideal for any person, young or old(er), facing a transition. What advice do you wish you had heard—really heard—when you were graduating from high school or college? What words could you benefit from hearing again? When Patti Digh asked her readers this question as her own daughter was starting college, the resulting flood of pithy, heartfelt wisdom sparked the idea for this book. What flowed in was beautiful, thoughtful, poignant, and funny. Out of the hundreds of essays, six themes emerged:
- Remember who you are
- Know what matters most
- Make peace with time
- Let go of certainty
- Learn every single day
- Open up your hand
What I Wish for You features meaningful stories from Patti as well as illustrations and essays submitted by readers of her blog from around the world, resulting in a vibrant, intriguing, and life-affirming book ideal for the young graduate and beyond."
December 26th to January 9th - 15 days - 143 pages