Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Coraline (re-read) (audiobook)

***Just decided that audiobooks should be recorded and actually should count toward my goals because why shouldn't they be? It's still a book I don't know why I thought I shouldn't count them before, and also this way I am less behind on my 50 book goal.***
***Posting this 12/8/12 but moving it to the spot it should actually be in my list of books.***

Book #41 in 2012
by Neil Gaiman
"Coraline's often wondered what's behind the locked door in the drawing room. It reveals only a brick wall when she finally opens it, but when she tries again later, a passageway mysteriously appears. Coraline is surprised to find a flat decorated exactly like her own, but strangely different. And when she finds her "other" parents in this alternate world, they are much more interesting despite their creepy black button eyes. When they make it clear, however, that they want to make her theirs forever, Coraline begins a nightmarish game to rescue her real parents and three children imprisoned in a mirror. With only a bored-through stone and an aloof cat to help, Coraline confronts this harrowing task of escaping these monstrous creatures."

 October 27ish? to November 27ish? - about a month. I didn't keep track.

Started by listening to the chapters from here, as I was going to sleep:

but then got impatient when it was the end of the book and the last two chapters weren't up so I got the audiobook from the library.

Love this book a lot. Especially when it is being read to me by Neil Gaiman.